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Student Testimonials
  1. Irene Kim
    Biology, Harvard College

    Growing up, I have heard horror stories about the college application season from older students. However, when I began setting up my common app account and college list, I surprisingly did not feel any nervous anticipation because I was very well prepared by the counselors at Paradigm.

    My college admissions journey began during my sophomore year of high school. During this time, I wanted to pursue my passion for music and science through multiple outlets, and I received many ideas on how to do this from Paradigm counselors. They supported me by helping me learn to write essays for summer research programs and encouraged me to reach out to my community in unique ways that would allow me to gain a greater sense of self while simultaneously benefiting those around me. By spending multiple hours brainstorming ideas for essays, revising, and coming up with ways to become an asset to society through service, I was accepted to multiple summer programs and was even featured in multiple newspapers for my work in the community. Furthermore, I began to realize who I am and my potential, and began to dream about my future.

    This continued throughout my junior year, which was one of the most difficult but most rewarding year of my high school career. At the beginning of 11th grade, I felt like I was thrown into the water and was drowning in homework and late nights. However, the counselors at Paradigm threw me a life jacket and taught me to swim by supporting me academically and emotionally. Again, with their help, I attended an amazing research program during the summer and also completed an internship at my dream medical center in a specialty that I dream of practicing in: neurosurgery and neurorehabilitation.

    Then, the time came for me to ponder more heavily on my future: where would I like to spend my next 4 years? Meeting constantly with me, Paradigm counselors helped me with the smallest details of researching schools and writing descriptions for activities to larger things such as writing essays, submitting applications, and preparing for interviews.Together, we wrote over 40 essays, and I enjoyed the process because I learned so much about myself – my personality, my passions, and my future. I gained self-confidence, knowing that Paradigm taught me so much about life and the excitement in knowing what awaits me in Boston for the next 4 years and beyond!

    I am so grateful for the support that Paradigm gave me. I believe that I would not be the person I am today, where I am today, without their help. From the bottom of my heart, thank you so much.

  2. Chan L.
    Agricultural and Environmental Technology, UC Davis
    코로나로 인해 여러가지 활동 참여에 제한이 있었지만, 온라인 교내 활동 및 대학교 Summer Program 등 제가 할 수 있는 활동들을 찾을 수 있도록 코칭해 주시고, 전공 선택부터 원서 과정까지 꼼꼼하게 지도해 주신 덕분에 저의 꿈의 대학인 UC Davis에 합격할 수 있었습니다. 고등학교 시절, 잦은 전학으로 낮을 수 밖에 없었던 GPA를 가지고도 목표했던 대학에 합격할 수 있게 이끌어 주셔서 감사합니다.
  3. Jake J.
    International Relations and Global Business, USC Transfer
    저는 고등학교 1학년까지 한국에서 엘리트 운동선수를 하다가 혼자 미국에 유학을 온 터라 막막했었습니다. 주변 친구들이 10학년에 AP 수학을 들을 때, 제가 마지막으로 기억하는 수학은 이차 방정식이어서 Algebra 2부터 박혜성 원장님과 시작했던 것이 기억이 납니다. 오랜만에 잡아보는 책이 낯설었지만, 저처럼 이해력과 독해력이 또래에 비해 낮은 학생도 잘 이끌어주시는 tutor 선생님들을 과목 별로 찾아주셔서 정말 감사했습니다. 다른 학원들에서는 “어떻게 어떻게 고등학교 졸업해서 CC 가라”라는 말만 들었었는데, Paradigm 원장님은 “차근차근 본인 역량에서 최고의 EFFORT만 보여주면 된다.” 라고 수없이 말씀해주셨습니다. 남들보다 시작이 훨씬 늦은 저를 이해할 때까지 몇번이고 정성을 들여 가르쳐주시는 tutor선생님들 덕분에 고등학교에서 2년동안 좋은 GPA를 받을 수 있었습니다. 또한 Paradigm 선생님들께서 제게 알맞은 Extracurricular Activities를 select 해주시고 입시 에세이 뿐만 아니라 인적사항이나 추가로 제출해야하는 서류들, 마감기한 까지 꼼꼼히 살펴주신 덕에 저는 UC Davis Economics major, Purdue Krannert Business- Finance major에 합격할 수 있었습니다. 2년동안 유학생활을 하여, CC가 아닌 일반 4년제인 Purdue University에 입학을 하게 되었을 때에도 무척 기뻤지만, 문득 LA에서 고등학교를 다닐 적 가고 싶었던 Dream School인 USC가 계속 떠올랐습니다. 퍼듀 1학년 재학시 박혜성 선생님께 안부전화를 드리면서 지나가는 말로 “Purdue도 이렇게 좋은데 USC는 얼마나 좋을까요? 자꾸 눈앞에 아른거려요.” 라고 말했을 때 “일반 4년제에서도 충분히 트랜스퍼 할 수 있어! 다음 주 부터 바로 준비해볼까?” 라고 답해주신게 기억이 납니다. Transfer을 위한 여정도 그렇게 바로 시작했던 것 같습니다. 22살에 입시를 한번 더 준비했지만, 진학하고자 하는 학교의 최신 정보들, 그리고 제가 관심있어 할 만한 USC 내의 동아리 Search 까지 다 도와주셨습니다. 다른 유학원들처럼 형식적으로 접근하지 않고, 정말 제가 배우고 싶어하는 학문, 하고 싶어하는 분야에 대해서 저보다 더 많이 검색해보시고 알아봐주시는 Paradigm 선생님들과의 컨설팅은 입시가 아닌 여정이라는 표현이 더 맞는 것 같습니다. 선생님들과의 그러한 여정 덕분에, Transfer 또한 차근차근 잘 준비해서 USC Marshall program에 합격할 수 있었습니다. 사실 Purdue 내에서의 교내활동이 그리 많지도 않은 편이였고 GPA 또한 USC 편입생들의 평균보다 조금 낮았습니다. 그러나, 천편일률적인 에세이가 아니라 저만의 스토리와 색깔, 제가 가고자 하는 Career Path에 대한 열정을 에세이에 녹여주신 Paradigm선생님들 덕분에 저의 간절함이 입학사정관들한테 잘 전달이 되어서 합격할 수 있었다고 생각합니다. 다시 한번 선생님들께 진심으로 감사드립니다.
Our future community
and world leaders are enrolled in: (IVY+ 위주)
Our future
and world leaders
are enrolled in:
(IVY+ 위주)
  1. Harvard University
  2. Brown University
  3. Boston
  4. Brown University
  5. Cornell
  6. Dartmouth
  7. Duke
  8. Emory
  9. Georgetown
  10. Johns Hopkins
  11. Northwestern
  12. Seoul National
  13. Stanford
  14. University
    of Cambridge
  15. University
    of Chicago
  16. Vanderbilt
Our future engineers and scientists
have matriculated in: (STEM위주)
Our future engineers
and scientists
have matriculated in:
  1. Brown University
  2. Carnegie Mellon
  3. Columbia University
  4. Cornell
  5. Embry-Riddle
  6. Georgia Institute
    of Technology
  7. Hong Kong
    University of Science
    and Technology
  8. Johns Hopkins
  9. Korea Advanced
    Institute of Science
    and Technology
  10. Massachusetts
    of Technology
  11. McGill University
  12. Purdue University
  13. University
    of Illinois
  14. University
    of Michigan - Ann
Our future health professionals have chosen:
Our future health
professionals have
  1. Case Western
    Reserve University
  2. Case Western
    Reserve University
  3. New York
  4. Northwestern
  5. Rutgers University
  6. St. George’s
  7. University
    of Melbourne
  8. University
    of Rhode Island
  9. University
    of the Pacific
Our students are pursuing Economics
and Business majors at:
Our students are
pursuing Economics
and Business majors at:
  1. Haas School
    of Business
    (UC Berkeley)
  2. Kelley School
    of Business
    (Indiana University)
  3. London School
    of Economics and
    Political Science(UK)
  4. Marshall School
    of Business (USC)
  5. Rotman School
    of Management
    (University of Toronto)
  6. Sauder School
    of Business (UBC)
  7. Stern School
    of Business
The most well-rounded and talented students
are now attending: (Liberal Arts 위주)
The most well-rounded
and talented students
are now attending:
(Liberal Arts 위주)
  1. Barnard College
  2. Brown-RISD
    dual degree
  3. Claremont McKenna
  4. Colby College
  5. Grinnell College
  6. Pomona College
  7. Smith College
  8. Swarthmore College
  9. Wellesley College
  10. Williams College
Our students are in every corner of the globe
  1. American University - Paris
  2. Duke University Kunshan - China
  3. École Hôtelière de Lausanne - Switzerland
  4. IE University - Spain
  5. Imperial College London - UK
  6. Jacobs University - Germany
  7. King’s College - UK
  8. Korea University - Korea
  9. Les Roches - Switzerland
  10. New York University Abu Dhabi - UAE
  11. Radboud University Nijmegen - Netherlands
  12. Sophia University - Japan
  1. St. George’s University School of Medicine - Grenada
  2. Temple University - Japan
  3. Tsinghua University - China
  4. University College London - UK
  5. University of British Columbia - Canada
  6. University of Edinburgh - UK
  7. University of Hong Kong - Hong Kong
  8. University of Melbourne - Australia
  9. University of Sydney - Australia
  10. University of Tokyo - Japan
  11. Western University - Canada
  12. Yonsei University - Korea